1078 – 16woodsequ

Starting bid: $5.00

Fic or Other Writing – Gen, Teen, Mature

Ending On: October 26th, 2024 11:59:59 PM EST



See 16woodsequ’s existing works here.

Preferred Contact Methods:
Tumblr: 16woodsequ
Preferred Charities:
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Will create works that contain:
Hurt/comfort, Angst, Whump, Happy ending.

Steve Rogers has PTSD, Joseph Rogers' A+ parenting, Abuse, Trauma, Emotional hurt/comfort, Off-screen non-con, Steve Rogers needs a hug, Steve Rogers and the 21st Century, Touch-starvation, Steve Rogers Whump, Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Non-con, Mental health issues, Not SHIELD Friendly, PTSD, Flashbacks, Ableism, Kidnapping, Torture, Violence, Blood, Hydra, M-rated graphic violence, Hurt Steve Rogers, Food issues, Sensory Issues, Fears and Phobias, Self-harm.

Recovery, Healing, Catharsis, Avengers Found Family, Asexual Steve, Platonic Relationships, Tony Stark has a heart, The Avengers are Good Bros, Protective Bucky Barnes.

World War Two, 1920s-1940s, Steve Centric, MCU Phase 1-3, POV Steve Rogers, POV Other Characters, Animal transformation, Age-regression/De-aging, Omega Steve Rogers.

Fairy-tale AU, Reverse AU, Wing AU, Omegaverse, Werewolf AU, Vampire AU, Slight-Canon divergence AU, Major Canon divergence AU, Modern Bucky AU, Living in Avengers Tower AU.
Will NOT create works that contain:
On-screen non-con, Sex, Sexual/romantic relationships, Non-canon relationships, Kinks, Shippy content in general.

Endgame Steve Character bashing, Post-Endgame MCU, Civil War character bashing,

Good Brock Rumlow, Gender dysphoria, Angst without a happy ending, Permanent major character death, Swearing, Sad ending, X-rated graphic violence, Dark Steve Rogers.

Coffee Shop AU, College AU, High School AU, Soulmark AU, Steve settling down to have a baby AU, Harry Potter AU.

Pod Bids Welcome? Yes - Podbids welcome!

Opening Bid: $5

Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature

Steve Rogers & Tony Stark - MCU
Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers - MCU
Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson - MCU
Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov - MCU
Clint Barton & Steve Rogers - MCU
Steve Rogers-centric - MCU
Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor - MCU
Peter Parker & Steve Rogers - MCU
Steve Rogers & Thor - MCU
Bruce Banner & Steve Rogers - MCU
Work Description:
Offering: 5k oneshot.

Depending on the plot and what happens with it, I may go over the 5k limit, but it will be guaranteed 5k.

I am willing to work with the winning bidder to develop the plot idea, or work on a prompt on my own and present the final product as a surprise. If the bidder has seen story prompts of mine that I haven't completed yet, they are free to suggest those prompts as their prize. However, if the prompt is too large to complete within the word limit, they may have to choose something else.

If I have used a tag or topic in a fic I've already written, it is very likely I will be happy to write another fic with that same tag or topic for the winning bidder.

I am offering 3 different works of different lengths for auction, and will give myself the full year to work on the pieces. I imagine the 5k work will only take a few weeks to a few months to complete, depending on real-life circumstances.

View this creator on tumblr or check out their other auctions.

Total Bids Placed: