2060 – Gyoku Jyn

Current bid: $60.00

Beta Service – Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit

Ending On: October 26th, 2024 11:59:59 PM EST

(Enter more than or equal to : $65.00 )

All amounts are in USD. Check currency conversion rates here.


Gyoku Jyn

See Gyoku Jyn’s existing works here.

Preferred Contact Methods:
Tumblr: gyokujyn
Discord: gyokujynnae
Preferred Charities:
Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain:
I am open to a wide variety of content, but I particularly enjoy working with dark content and canon adjacent content.
Will NOT create works that contain:
The only hard limit that applies to all types of works is that I don't do RPF. Any other specifics will be included in the individual auction descriptions.

Pod Bids Welcome? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods

Opening Bid: $5

Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit

Bucky Barnes-centric - MCU
Steve Rogers-centric - MCU
Natasha Romanov-centric - MCU
Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU
Bucky Barnes/M'Baku - MCU
Bucky Barnes/Hydra - MCU
Steve Rogers/Howard Stark - MCU
Captain America fandom any gen - MCU
Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov - MCU
Bucky Barnes/Bucky Barnes - MCU
Work Description:
The winner of this auction may choose to receive alpha or beta reading services from me for up to 10k words per month during the next several months, up to a total to be determined by the final bid amount.

For a donation of $5, I will alpha or beta read up to 5k words over the next month. For a donation of $10, the amount can be increased up to 10k. For each additional $10 donation, add another month of 10k words, up to 6 months for a total donation of $60. The word counts do NOT have to be from the same document, but they can be. I could read 3 different unrelated 3k word fics for you in the first month, then spend the next 5 months reading chapters of a larger piece up to 50k, or whatever mix you'd like.

Alpha reading services primarily include:
-Plot Development
-Continuity (in fic)
-Characterization (either in fic or with canon)

Beta reading services primarily include:
-Spelling and Grammar
-Sentence and Story Structure
-Tone, Flow, and Wordsmithing

In addition to either alpha or beta reading, I will provide minor cheer reading services, including indicating my favorite quotes, giving you my hot takes on your plot and characters, and just generally squeeing all over you.

Regarding logistics: I primarily use the built-in suggestion/comment feature in Google Docs, so please reach out before bidding if another host program is preferred. In addition to providing suggestions and comments through Google Docs, I will provide my overall impressions, cheer reading services, and any other feedback via either Discord or another method of communication, if preferred.

Regarding content: The characters and relationships listed above are some of my favorites, but I'm very much open to other options, so please feel free to reach out if you have a specific character or rarepair or OT3, etc. that you're looking for. For the "Captain America fandom any gen" option listed above, I mean gen fics focusing on the Howling Commandos. However, I am absolutely open to just about anything, both for characters and as far as content goes, but my ability to read for consistent characterization may be more limited for certain characters with which I am less familiar. I'm serious when I say that I really don't have any DNWs, either, so don't be afraid to frighten or offend me with your freaky DDDNE stuff. Give me your id fics, your gore, your underage non-con yearning to breathe free.

View this creator on tumblr or check out their other auctions.

Total Bids Placed:

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid
ZepysGirl October 22, 2024 12:06 PM $60.00
buckybarnesdeservestobehappy October 20, 2024 12:06 AM $10.00