1029 – TwinklingSkies

Starting bid: $5.00

Fic or Other Writing – Gen, Teen, Mature

Ending On: October 26th, 2024 11:59:59 PM EST



See TwinklingSkies’s existing works here and here.

Preferred Contact Methods:
Tumblr: agenttwinklecreates
Preferred Charities:
Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain:
Sickfics, Canon Divergent AUs, character studies, missing scenes, fluff (not domestic if possible), hurt/comfort, whumperless whump
Will NOT create works that contain:
NSFW, Pregnancy/Kid fics, Songfics, Harry Potter AUs, AUs that take place in a completely different setting, Explicit gore/body horror

Pod Bids Welcome? Yes - Podbids welcome!

Opening Bid: $5

Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature

Lincoln Campbell/Daisy Johnson - MCU
Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons - MCU
Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov - MCU
Matt Murdock/Karen Page - MCU
Bucky Barnes/Wanda Maximoff - MCU
Agents of SHIELD fandom any gen - MCU
Daisy Johnson/Antoine Triplett - MCU
Lance Hunter/Bobbi Morse - MCU
Lincoln Campbell-centric - MCU
Daisy Johnson-centric - MCU
Work Description:
I am offering a fic up to six chapters, though it may be less. Chapter length will be 1K at minimum, and I'll be able to get one out once a week after the auction. However, while I will try my best to keep up with a schedule, it's possible that I may need more time than that based on how busy I get and how things are working out creatively.

View this creator on tumblr or check out their other auctions.

Total Bids Placed: