2070 – westiec

Starting bid: $10.00

Other Fan Labor – Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit

Ending On: October 26th, 2024 11:59:59 PM EST



See westiec’s existing works here.

Preferred Contact Methods:
Tumblr: westiec
Preferred Charities:
Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain:
Women! Femslash, m/f(+) ships, or genfic, I'd love to write something featuring one or more of the lovely ladies of the Marvel multiverse. I'm also interested in trans, genderqueer, and ace/aro interpretations of characters, and would be delighted to bring your headcanons to life.

Plotwise, I'm open to a wide variety of tropes, but I love forced proximity shenanigans and comedic misunderstandings in particular. I also enjoy creating kinky stories of all kinds, whether in a romantic context, something more platonic, or a whumpy trash party.
Will NOT create works that contain:
If you're looking for heavy emotional angst, omegaverse, kidfic, or mundane/no powers AUs, I'm probably not your guy.

Pod Bids Welcome? Yes - Podbids welcome!

Opening Bid: $10

Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit

Agent Carter fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Avengers fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Black Panther fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Black Widow fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Captain America fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Captain Marvel fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Deadpool fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Loki fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Ms. Marvel fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Venom fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Work Description:
Wish there was a fanweek or gift exchange for YOUR corner of fandom but don't know where to start? Let me help you make it happen! I have modding experience in exchanges, fan weeks, prompt fests, bingos, and fandom discord servers, and I'd be delighted to lend it to your cause.

Examples of fan labor I can offer for this item include:

- brainstorming themes and prompts
- creating an interest check form
- building the event schedule and writing rules
- setting up a carrd, dreamwidth, or tumblr for your event
- initial discord server setup with channels, roles, and bots
- setting up an ao3 collection, tag-set, and sign-ups, OR building a google form for sign-ups
- assistance with automated matching via ao3
- spreadsheet wizardry for tracking interest checks, check-ins, work checks, etc.
- help with mod emails throughout the event

Feel free to contact me at any point during browsing/bidding if you have questions to make sure I can fulfill your request!

View this creator on tumblr or check out their other auctions.

Total Bids Placed: