1113 – kcscribbler

Starting bid: $10.00

Fic or Other Writing – Gen, Teen

Ending On: October 26th, 2024 11:59:59 PM EST



See kcscribbler’s existing works here.

Preferred Contact Methods:
Tumblr: kcscribbler
Discord: kcscribbler
Preferred Charities:
Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain:
gen, shippy gen or pre-slash, queerplatonic, asexual spectrum, light romance, canon-divergent AUs, canon-compliant AUs, 5+1s, missing scenes, fluff, hurt/comfort, emotional exploration, slice-of-life/domestic, action, humor
Will NOT create works that contain:
main character death, unhappy endings, excessive or graphic gore/torture, rape or non-con, child or animal abuse, most other AUs, explicit content

Pod Bids Welcome? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods

Opening Bid: $10

Ratings: Gen, Teen

Loki & Mobius - MCU
Loki/Mobius - MCU
Work Description:
I am offering at least a 1K oneshot, with another 500 words for each bid increase, capped at maximum 50K.

Depending on my personal commitments, I would anticipate beginning on this in January and, depending on the word count, finishing by the soft deadline (maybe a bit later if it's that full 50K or longer). Happy to provide periodic updates, of course.

I tend to specialize in character/relationship-driven, dialogue-heavy stories that tackle more serious themes with humor alongside the emotional angst; I'm not a dark writer, and it's very rare for me to write an unhappy or even just "hopeful" ending. My favorite wheelhouse is that nebulous and under-served niche of QPR territory, but I'm flexible, in the non-explicit realm. My gen fic tends to be very Found Family-focused, and my other the slowest of slow burns. You can take a look at my AO3 to get a pretty good idea of the track I typically run on, but I particularly love a good fix-it or missing scene. If you have something specific in mind, feel free to contact me directly before bidding to run it past me.

View this creator on tumblr or check out their other auctions.

Total Bids Placed: