1132 – areiton

Starting bid: $20.00

Fic or Other Writing – Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit

Ending On: October 26th, 2024 11:59:59 PM EST



See areiton’s existing works here.

Preferred Contact Methods:
Tumblr: areiton
Twitter: areiton_
Discord: areiton
Preferred Charities:
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Rainbow Railroad
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN)
World Literacy Foundation
Will create works that contain:
Arranged marriage, No Powers AU, taboo relationships, age gap, silverfox/sugar baby, found family, soulmates, magical realism, canon divergent, almost any AUs, future fic, dark!characters, fluff WITH angst (I can’t do one without the other.), creature fic, fake dating, mutual pining, time travel, genderbent, role reversal. I have a fondness for team dynamics and kidfic.
Will NOT create works that contain:
Rape/non-con, torture, whump, PWP (I don’t mind writing explicit, but there will need to be more than just folks having sex), LGBTQ issue driven stories, strictly fluff. I will not write explicit character bashing. I will not write crossovers with other fandoms. I will not write reconciliation post divorce. Hydra Cap. Pre-serum SICKLY Steve–I will write pre-serum Steve, but won’t focus on his ailments.

Pod Bids Welcome? Yes - Podbids welcome!

Opening Bid: $20

Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit

Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Any Universe
Work Description:
One fic 10-15k in length. I STRONGLY prefer to write from my pinned prompt list (on Twitter & Tumblr).

If there is an agreed upon prompt by January, this will be the first big project of 2025.

I am open on a very select basis to sequels or continuations of my existing stories—please check with me if you’re interested in that.

I work best when given a loose prompt, a prompt that comes with a musical inspo, or a visual prompt. I love dark fic, silver fox/twink dynamics, and pining for unreasonable amounts of time. I love soulmates, arranged marriage, and worldbuilding.

I prefer to skim canon events and fill in the holes left by canon rather than recreate the wheel.

While most of my stories are slash, I do enjoy including writing Tony and Peter as a father and son dynamic. Please expect that Rhodey will be a major supporting character in anything I write.

View this creator on tumblr or check out their other auctions.

Total Bids Placed: