1147 – pillowcreek

Winning Bid: $50.00

Fic or Other Writing – Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit



See pillowcreek’s existing works here.

Preferred Contact Methods:
Tumblr: greerbaiting
Discord: pillowcreek
Preferred Charities:
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
Innocence Project
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
Will create works that contain:
smut, BDSM, fluff, character study, angst, trans characters, mental illness, jealousy and/or yearning
Will NOT create works that contain:
zombies, incest, underage, adult/child romantic relationships, watersports

Pod Bids Welcome? Yes - Podbids welcome!

Opening Bid: $10

Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit

Greer Grant Nelson-centric - 616
Greer Grant Nelson/Any - 616
Bobbi Morse-centric - 616
Clint Barton/Steve Rogers - 616
Clint Barton/Bobbi Morse - 616
Hank Pym-centric - 616
Work Description:
I will be writing a minimum of 1k with no maximum word limit.

I will try to complete the fic ASAP, but have other fics on the go and other fandom commitments on top of working full time.

For smut fic I will write pretty much anything with the exception of the few kinks I listed. Go nuts!

I like writing for niche faves. If you're interested in a character or rarepair not on my list, reach out to me to see if I can write it.

View this creator on tumblr or check out their other auctions.