1171 – Messypeaches

Winning Bid: $100.00

Fic or Other Writing – Teen, Mature, Explicit



See Messypeaches’s existing works here.

Preferred Contact Methods:
Email: messypeaches@gmail.com
Discord: messypeaches
Preferred Charities:
Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain:
Sex, jokes, sexy jokes, dialogue, fluff, happy endings, AU's, now with more magic (tm).
Will NOT create works that contain:
Death, Excessive whump, Kidfic, sad endings. Bucky with Rumlow, Pierce, Red Skull, and anyone Nazi-adjacent

Pod Bids Welcome? Yes - Podbids welcome!

Opening Bid: $50

Ratings: Teen, Mature, Explicit

Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - Any Universe
Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - 616, MCU
Bucky Barnes/Any - 616, MCU
Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton - 616, MCU
Work Description:
Fic length 15k min, probably longer. I communicate mainly on discord and by email, the more you talk to me, the more customized the fic becomes. Totally open to poly ships featuring Bucky except those listed in my DNWs—open to any of the Avengers, any hero or heroine. Fearful Symmetry on my ao3 was one of last year's MTH prizes.

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