If there’s something specific you’re looking for, you can describe it on our matchmaking form and it’ll become part of our seeking spreadsheet. This is expressly for harder-to-match auctions, characters/relationships/fandoms/universes that aren’t on our tag list, or very specific ideas (meaning the idea is niche enough that you’re not sure creators offering the character/relationship you’re seeking will be willing or able to do it or it requires special knowledge). If you want something easily found on the website like “Steve/Bucky high school AU” or “an illustration of Alpine,” please use keywords, filters, and/or our tag list to find matching auctions on our listings page (more info on searching here).

Not all creators will look at the spreadsheet, so we encourage searching for auctions that may fit your request and asking the creators of those auctions if they’re up for fulfilling it before/in addition to filling out this form. Remember, some auction listings may not explicitly include what you’re looking for; as long as your request doesn’t fall under their DNWs, there’s no downside to contacting creators and seeing if they’re open to your idea!

All fanwork type requests are allowed, whether it’s a fic prompt, art idea, beta request, etc.

You can fill this form more than once. If you want to edit or delete a request, please contact us.

Creators will be able to indicate on the spreadsheet if your request is something they’d be willing to do, and you can discuss more details with them through the contact details on their auction page or in the #matchmaking channel on our Discord server.

If you’re a creator who wants to self-promote your auction listing (and we definitely encourage that), you can do so in the general chat channel on our Discord server and reblog/signal boost your post on Tumblr, Twitter, or Bluesky so your followers know!